Home » 小論文5◆「人の行動を予測出来なくても、それは仕方がない」

公開日時:2009年03月04日 00時35分
更新日時:2009年03月04日 00時56分




僕の書いた手紙の前が愚行(ぐこう)はずです。英語が長々過ぎました。手紙の日本語が貧弱でした。  恐れ入ります。許して下さい。お願いします。お願いします。お願いします。













一月三十日 恐れながら、スプリングマイヤー Fritz


[訳注*1:党大会や各地の選挙イベントでオバマが舞台に登場の際、U2の曲『シティ・オブ・ブラインディング・ライツ(City Of Blinding Lights)』が使われたが、この歌詞の冒頭部分は「見れば見るほど、分からなくなる。進むにつれて、何も見つからなくなる。以前は今より、もっと分かっていた。」となっている。]





 "あの人の振る舞いが予期しませばか、それとも、仕方がない" [訳注:筆者が日本語で書いた]

 -by Fritz Springmeier 



[訳注*2: 『かた(型と方)』は筆者が原文で用いた日本語]


















合衆国政府(文民、軍人共に)は「標準作業手順書」(Standard Operating Procedure)と呼ばれる「仕方」[訳注:マニュアル]を作成している。日常語でそれは「SOP」とよばれる。すべてのことにSOPがあり、大使館の建物の設計も同様だ。では、厳しい経済状況下にもかかわらず、合衆国がイラクに、世界の他のアメリカ大使館の10倍以上の規模で大使館を建てた理由は何だろう?この要塞のような大使館をユーフラテス川沿いの104エーカー[訳注*4]の土地に建てるのに7億ドルかけている。そこには1000人が働ける広さがある。この信じがたい巨大な規模をどう説明できるだろうか?どのような秘密のアジェンダがここで実行されているのだろうか?













    At the beginning of the democratic convention (prior to Obama's nomination), the meeting began by saying, "The more you see, the less you know ! The more you know the less you see!"

That was straight forward Illuminati mind-control code words. That is the tone of the new adminstration.  President Obama is of the Illuminati bloodlines. His top adminstraion are Illuminati.

It will be an Illuminati adminstraion with Illuminati agenda, including hidden agenda.

    America is a sinking ship. Presiden Obama is the captain of a sinking ship.

    Meanwhile, Russia has been bringing in a new question of superior weapons. They hope to make up for their inferior economy with superior weapons. The new generation of weapons only are known in science fiction.

    The long term direction that Germany and Japan take will influence world affairs for Europe and Asia.

    After the world economic crash will we get a world currency ?


一月三十日                    恐れながら

スプリングマイヤー Fritz

letter no.5




"あの人の振る舞いが予期しませばか、それとも、仕方がない"   -by Fritz Springmeier


     Americans are not predictable by 型と方(kata). One must monitor and evaluate the individual person's temperament, personality, traits, values, cultural mores, and what is important in their life at the moment. But in the final analysis, Americans are also fairly predictable and understandable.

     Unfortunately at times, it might take constant monitoring and almost god-like computer programs to make accurate predictions.

    Life is easier if we only have to deal with people who think like we do. Modern life is not so  simple.

    For instance, on the first day of school in seventh grades, I wanted to make friends. I greeted another boy with a smile and an introduction. I reached out and shook his hand, while saying my name. He also smiled and shook my hand, as in the same instant, he kneed me in the groin. The searing pain almost blacked me out, and took me to the ground. Live and learn.

         Predictability . It's comfortable to be able to predict what someone is going to do.

In Japan with Shikata(仕方), and many Kata(方)such as iki kata, kaki kata, and kangaekata , one can predict what a person will do. A person can determine what a person's obligations and loyalties are and usually predict the action of that person.

    I found working with animals enjoyable. On the farm, each animal has its predictable behavior, and one works with that creature based on its behavior patterns.

    But what about people in other countries ? What if we are the common person in Japan trying to understand Americans, or the Illuminati ? Can we successfully predict their behavior ?

Now the answer may be more difficult.

    The studies that deal with understanding human behavior are called the social sciences; and include social anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and social geography. Within each of those fields are specific studies. For instance, under sociology is criminology. Under political sciences are studies on microeconomics. Obviously, one could spend a lifetime trying to study human behavior patterns.

    Along these lines, I spent several years of helping these victims of Illuminati membership who had received Illuminati trauma-based total mind control. After I worked with Cisco Wheeler (former mind control programmer) and many others, I wrote 3 books on Illuminati mind control, which are excellent source for people to understand Illuminati behavior.

    Considering all the efforts to study those social sciences, there appear to remain many short comings in our ability to predict human behavior. In part, because we need to factor in the Illuminati mind-control.



     Our solutions to behavior problems seem limited. But the models for predicting human behavior are much more accurate than the common person may dream.

    The Illuminati has successfully written computer program that predicts an individual's human behavior. The factors can be identified and measured. The range of individual choices and actions can be predicted. Part of why we are not aware of their success in determining human behavior is that it is not important for the elite controllers to inform the common person how closely he is monitored and controlled.

    Governments and elite controlled foundations have poured large amount of money into universities and researchers to study the social sciences. Mathematics including probability and statistics are applied to computer programs dealing with human behaviors. It's not an accident that so many polls are taken.

   The US government (both civilian and military) has been creating shikata(仕方), which they call "Standard Operating Procedure". In everyday language it's "S.-O.-P." There is S-O-P for everything, including designing embassy buildings. Why is it then, that during economic hard times the US just built an embassy in Iraq which is more than 10 times the size of any other US embassy in the world ?? It cost $700 million to build this fort -like embassy on 104 acres of land on the Euphrates River. It has space for 1,000 employees. What explains this incredibly vast size ? What secret agenda is operating here ?




Home » 小論文5◆「人の行動を予測出来なくても、それは仕方がない」