Home » 小論文6◆「サン・シメオンの亡霊の近くで」

公開日時:2009年04月18日 02時27分
更新日時:2009年04月18日 02時33分


<ここのインターネット情報から http://www.zombiesarecoming.com


U.S.Scientists have taken dead animals and bronght them back to life.
They take the dead body to 7℃, replace the blood,which creates a state of hypothermia(低体温).

Then, to bring them back to life, they use electric shock(電気ショック).
Now they are talking about bringing dead hamas back to life.
There is no brain damage. This fits in with Illuminati goals to give eternal life. As I get more infomation I'll write it to you.


Near The Shadow of San Simeon
by Fritz Springmeier








ヴェロニカはロシアのロマノフ王朝の系統を引いている。そして、ロックフェラー家、ヨーロッパの諸王族、ロスチャイルド家、その他私が「イルミナティ悪魔の13血流(Bloodlines of the Illuminati)」で書いている血流と結び付きがある。彼女はまたミケーレ・シンドーナとも親交があった。私が1991年に著した書「蛇のように聡くあれ(Be Wise As Serpents)」(未邦訳)で書いていることだが、シンドーナはロベルト・カルヴィ、バチカン、及びイタリアのロッジ・P2フリーメイソンリーと関係がある人物である。

約1年前(2008年2月25日)、ヴェロニカ・ハーストは、フロリダ州パーム・ビーチの南12マイルのところにある彼女の夢のマイホームヴィラヴェネツィアを失った。この事件は、New Stream Secured Capital(ニュー・ストリーム・セキュアード・キャピタル)が、28,000平方フィートの大邸宅を抵当流れ処分にしたときに起こった。これは、彼女の夫が2000年12月18日に16億ドルの遺産を残して死去した際、わずか400万ドルしか相続しなかったことで発生した問題である。だが、彼女は、もはやその資産を所有する余裕はなかったにもかかわらず、それを放棄することに応じなかったのである。


The Shadow of San Simeon

by Fritz Springmeier

Lompoc prison, where this a wither is imprisoned, is next door to Vandenberg Air Force Base, which is the control center for American west coast defense. Lompoc is also situated about 80 mils south of the Hearst Castle at San Simeon, CA.

When San Simeon is not being visited by tourists, it is used for parties by the Hearsts and Illuminati rituals. The Hearst Castle has its Share of occult artifacts.

The Hearst's also have a mansion at McCloud, CA near Mt.Shasta,CA. That is also an important area for the Illuminati.

When the Emperor Akihito and Empress of Japan visited the U.S. White House in 1994, the Clinton's invited important people to a White House banquet, including Randolph A. Hearst and his wife Veronica. Randolph Hearst, chairman of the multibillion dollars Hearst Corporation, which controls newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses, was not able to attend. But his wife Veronica attended the Emperor's banquet.

Veronica is descended from the Russian Romanov's and associates with the Rockefellers, European royalty, the Rothschild's and other families I wrote about in Bloodlines of the Illuminati. She was also friends with Michele Sindona, who was involved with Robert Calvi, the Vatican, and P2 Freemasonry, which I wrote about in my Be Wise As Serpents book in 1991.

About one year ago(Feb 25, 2008), Veronica Hearst lost her dream home Villa Venezia, sitel 12 miles south of Palm Beach,FL, when New Stream Secured Capital foreclosed on the 28000 sg.ft. mansion. This happened because she only inherited $4 million from her husband who died on Dec.18.2000 with a fortune of $ 1.6 billion, and she was not willing to give up the property even thongh she could no longer afford it.

Randolph A. Hearst left a famous daughter Patti, who is close to this author's(Springmeier's)age. she was also put in prison in California for an armed bank robbery, although with a much shorter sentence. I think she did a little over a year in prison, and this anther will do around 8 years.


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